Red dots on the skin can have various causes, some of which resolve on their own, while others require treatment. Common causes include allergic reactions, acne marks, vascular birthmarks, angiomas, heat rash, insect bites, and autoimmune conditions.Petechiae and purpura are tiny red dots from damaged blood vessels, usually harmless but sometimes linked to platelet,

issues. Cherry angiomas are raised red bumps from blood vessel overgrowth, common in older adults. Heat rash occurs when sweat is trapped, causing itchy spots. Allergic reactions and infections like folliculitis or cellulitis can also lead to redness.Other causes include impetigo, a contagious bacterial infection, vasculitis (blood vessel inflammation), and hemangiomas, which are birthmarks.Home remedies include aloe vera gel, coconut oil, or dandelion root tea. If red dots worsen or change, consult a doctor and maintain a healthy diet.

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