Bath time is often one of the most enjoyable moments in a child’s day. It’s a time filled with laughter, splashing, and playful interactions with water and toys. However, for one Illinois family, a seemingly innocent bath toy turned into a nightmare that nearly cost their young son his sight.
Eden Strong, a devoted mother, was giving her 2-year-old son, Baylor, his usual bath when she noticed his eye looked slightly inflamed. Initially, she dismissed it as a minor irritation, possibly caused by water getting into his eye. However, within just 12 hours, Baylor’s condition took a frightening turn for the worse.
“His eye was protruding from his face,” Eden shared in a widely circulated Facebook post. “It was very swollen, and he was burning up with a fever.”
Doctors diagnosed Baylor with cellulitis, a potentially dangerous bacterial skin infection. The shocking cause? A simple squeezable bath toy. Eden later learned that because these toys never fully expel water, they become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria.
“They warned me he might lose vision, but thankfully, he recovered,” she said. Now, she’s determined to raise awareness, urging parents to reconsider using these popular but potentially hazardous toys.
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