Life often puts us in surprising and hard-to-believe situations. From things that don’t make sense to moments that feel like a movie, there are many stories in the world that push the limits of what we think is real.
The Story:
“When I was 5 years old, early in the morning, I heard noises from downstairs (we had a two-story house). I got scared and went to my parents’ bed. I hid under the blanket, but I could still hear footsteps—someone was coming up the stairs. It looked like a man, but he was all dark.
You couldn’t see his clothes because he didn’t have any—not naked, just a dark shape with yellow eyes and a black dot as a pupil. He looked at me and went into our extra bedroom. It wasn’t a dream because my day continued as normal, and my dad woke up shortly after. I asked him to check the extra bedroom, but nothing was there. To this day, I still don’t know what that was.
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