Renowned for her legendary performance as Ziva David on NCIS, Cote de Pablo has at last addressed a long-standing subject of conjecture among viewers. The actress revealed in a recent interview about her leaving from the program and the continuing influence of her character, therefore verifying what many had suspected: her choice to leave was very personal and driven by a need to preserve Ziva’s story.
De Pablo clarified that although her 2013 leaving was not an easy decision, she believed it was one she had to do to honor Ziva’s path. She said, repeating ideas fans have theorized about for years: “I didn’t feel that the storyline they had planned for her was respectful or reflective of who Ziva was.” Her remarks confirmed that she gave artistic integrity first priority over remaining in a position incompatible with her moral standards.
The actress also noted the great fan love she has gotten since departing. “I am so appreciative of the love supporters still show me,” she stated. De Pablo’s comeback in a short storyline arc in 2019 seemed like a gift to viewers who had long yearned for Ziva’s homecoming and offered adored character closure.
Her open disclosure clarifies her choice and helps to explain why she still holds great regard among NCIS viewers. De Pablo’s dedication to authenticity and narrative has clearly strengthened the respect of her devoted following as she considers her career.
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