In June 2022, a mother shared her story on Reddit about a complicated family issue involving her daughter’s graduation. The mother, who raised her daughter on her own after the father distanced himself years earlier, has always been close to her. Although her daughter’s father was once active in her life, he became distant after remarrying. Despite his sporadic communication, the daughter occasionally hoped he’d return to be more present.
As graduation approached, the daughter decided to invite her father, who agreed only if her mother would not attend. Hurt and feeling left out, the mother voiced her frustration, which led to a heated argument. The night before graduation, the mother made one last plea, but her daughter remained firm.
The next morning, the father failed to show up, leaving the daughter devastated. She asked her mother to attend, but the mother declined, explaining that she had made other plans and felt too hurt to go. Later, the mother started questioning her decision when she saw her daughter’s sadness.
In reflecting on the situation, the mother feels torn, regretting missing such an important milestone and questioning if she made the right choice.
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